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Learning for Life and Work
1. Diversity and Inclusion
2. Rights and Responsibilities
3. Government and Civil Society
4. Democratic Institutions
5. Democracy and Active Participation
6. The role of NGOs
Personal Development
1. Personal Health and Wellbeing
2. Emotions and Reactions to life exp
Section 3: Relationships and Sexuality
Section 4: Personal Safety and Wellbeing
Risk-Taking Behaviour
Social Networking
Section 5: Responsible Parenting
Section 6: Making informed Choices
Section 1: Impact of Globalisation
Section 2: Recruitment and Selection
Section 3: Rights and Responsibilities
Section 4: Social Responsibility
Section 5: Self Employment
Section 6: Personal Career Management
Useful Links
Use tab to navigate through the menu items.
Dealing with addiction
Financial impacts of experimenting with drugs
Physical Health: the impacts of experimenting with drugs
Emotional Health: the impacts of experimenting with drugs
Social Health: the impacts of experimenting with drugs
What are drugs?
How a self-help group could help someone dealing with an addiction
Reasons why young people ignore health warnings.
Why a young person experiments with drugs
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