Experimenting with drugs can have some serious impacts on a person's physical health, emotional health and social health. There may also be a financial impact on the person engaged in experimenting with drugs. Here are some of the impacts on physical health:
Internal damage
When a person experiments with drugs, they may damage internal organs such as their liver, brain, lungs, throat and stomach. For example, cannabis can cause long-term damage to the brain.

Risk of Pregnancy and STDs
When a person is under the influence of drugs, they are probably less likely to remember to have safe sex and so put themselves at risk of pregnancy or spreading STDs (sexually transmitted diseases).

Physical injuries
When a person is under the influence of drugs, this may impair their mind and so the person might do things they normally would not. This can increase their chances of getting hurt or having an accident. For example, hallucinogenics can cause people to feel invisible or able to fly.

Risk of other infectious diseases
When a person is using drugs that require injecting the drugs into their body then they are at a much great risk of getting diseases like hepatitis C, hepatitis B and HIV because of sharing needles.

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