Migration is the movement of people between countries.
Immigration is the movement of people from one country into another country. A migrant worker in Northern Ireland is someone who has left their country and moved into Northern Ireland to work.

Approximately 4% of the Northern Ireland workforce is made up of migrant workers. Migrant workers have a positive effect on businesses because:
Migrant workers bring vital skills that help the Northern Ireland economy grow and flourish.
Migrant workers work in many jobs in Northern Ireland, like in construction, healthcare and in factories. They help to fill jobs where there is a skills gap.
Migrant workers give employers a wider choice of applicants for jobs particularly since many migrant workers have skills that local people do not have.
Migrant workers can fill job vacancies that local people do not want so therefore businesses are able to continue with production.
Migrant workers can teach local people new ways or approaches to completing tasks or solving problems and as a result local people learn new skills in the workplace.
Migrant workers can bring cultural diversity to Northern Ireland in the form of language, food, music, etc. and so can appeal to a broader base of customers.