When the Good Friday Agreement was signed in 1998, part of the agreement contained safeguards to ensure all sections of the community are protected.
The Northern Ireland Government must:
Ensure that its ministers take a Pledge of Office to serve all the people in Northern Ireland equally, to promote equality and Human Rights.
Review, create and enforce laws to protect Human Rights, like equality laws to ensure people are protected from discrimination and are treated equally.
Have committees to scrutinise legislation to make sure it conforms to equality requirements.
Support the work of the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission and Northern Ireland Equality Commission which work to safeguard and promote human rights.
Raise awareness/educate people about Human Rights, making people aware of their Human Rights through social media campaigns, TV, advertising.
Ensure young people are taught about Human Rights in schools like in LLW lessons.
Promote Human Rights through government policies, ensuring that government policies comply with Human Rights legislation.
Ensure authorities/public bodies with responsibility for promoting and complying with Human Rights laws do so.

Check out the CCEA GCSE Learning for Life and Work Second Edition Textbook to find out more or check out: My Revision Notes: CCEA GCSE Learning for Life and Work: Second Edition
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