There are many ways that human rights may be abused. Here are a few examples:
A person may be imprisoned without a fair trial
This goes against the right that protects people from being treated unjustly by the law as people are entitled to a fair trial in the courts, (Article 10).
A person could have their privacy violated by the press or the state.
This goes against the right that protects people from interference of someone's privacy, family business, mobile phone usage and correspondence, (Article 12).
People may be denied the right to vote in undemocratic countries.
This goes against the right to vote. Everyone has the right to take part in government and vote in regular and free elections, (Article 21).
A man gets paid more than a woman for doing the same job
This goes against the right to work with equal pay for equal work. Men or women should not be paid more than the other for doing the same job, (Article 23).
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