Prostitution is the business or practice of engaging in sexual relations in exchange for money.
It is a form of sexual exploitation and is illegal in Northern Ireland under the Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Criminal Justice and Support for Victims) Act (Northern Ireland) 2015.
Women who become engaged in prostitution find that they are trapped as they become reliant on the money or are forced to continue because there is another person in control of the prostitution and the woman has no choice.
Where can women, involved in prostitution, get support?
Seek medical help from a GP or GUM clinics or Sexual Health NI
Speak to someone at Citizen's Advice to get advice on debt and other financial issues
Get in touch with The Inspire Women's Project which supports women with criminal convictions to get their live back on track
Women's Aid provides support and accommodation for women
Contact Nexus to speak to someone in a confidence
Contact Lifeline to speak to someone in confidence
Contact the Samaritans to speak to someone in confidence
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