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How to find a job

Updated: Nov 15, 2020

When a job becomes available in a company there is a job vacancy, until someone takes that job on and fills that position. Employers advertise job vacancies as a way of recruiting people to their company and to fill their jobs. Employers advertise job vacancies in newspapers, job centres, internet sites or recruitment agencies and so people find out the availability of jobs in these places.

What is a job advertisement?

A job advertisement is an announcement that a job is available. It outlines the key skills, qualities and experience required for that particular job. It states a job description and a job specification for the job. Most job advertisements will have a website address included on it where more information about the job can be found. Here is an example of what a job advertisement may look like:

What is a Job Description?

A job description details the duties of that particular job.

What is a Job Specification?

A job specification details the skills and qualities required for that particular job.

For jobs vacancies in Northern Ireland, the best places to look include:

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