People's attitudes on diet, exercise and healthy eating is shaped through educational programmes in schools and ongoing media campaigns about the benefits of diet, exercise and healthy eating on overall health and well being.
Having a positive attitude to diet, exercise and healthy eating means a person is more likely to be committed to improving their health and well being. Evidence suggests that if a positive attitude is instilled at a young age then a positive attitude is more likely to be held into a person's adulthood.

How can adults help children/young people develop a healthy approach and attitude to diet, exercise and healthy eating?
Adults have a responsible role to play when it comes to influencing children and young people's attitudes to diet, exercise and healthy eating. Some ways that an adult can encourage and promote positive attitudes to diet, exercise and healthy eating include:
talking positively about food, weight and exercise.
being a good role model, eating healthily and exercising regularly.
avoiding passing comment about a child's weight or shape.
showing children what healthy snacks they could have and healthy food choices they could make.
encouraging children to play outdoors, making exercise fun and talking about the benefits of exercise.
encouraging a limit of time spent watching TV or playing computer games.
taking an interest in their child's school work or homework that promotes healthy lifestyle.
being mindful not to punish or reward children with food.

Check out the CCEA GCSE Learning for Life and Work Second Edition Textbook to find out more or check out: My Revision Notes: CCEA GCSE Learning for Life and Work: Second Edition
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